Clonzilla on Surface Pro 3 -- Bitlocker Encrypted Partition

My Surface Pro 3 recently stopped working. Here's how I imaged it onto the replacement Surface Pro 3.

NOTES: Be sure that you've updated all devices to the latest firmware, or step 5 below won't work. Other explanations of the process below assume you're connected to a domain or that your drive is NOT encrypted, but in fact, if your computer is a personal one (like mine), your Bitlocker encryption key has already been saved to OneDrive, and your drive is indeed encrypted (Full Disk Encryption) via TPM.

Clonezilla to Clone Bigger to Smaller drive (e.g., SSD)

Here are the steps to easily clone a larger hard drive (Drive1) to a smaller SSD hard drive (Drive2) for free--something I do frequently to speed up a PC without purchasing a new one.


  1. You know the basics of Clonezilla, GParted, and partitioning.
  2. You want to clone locally--that is, disk-to-disk (though this procedure likely works with images too)
  3. You've already connected Drive1 and Drive2 to the computer (e.g., use the CD-ROM's SATA and power cables)

Export Supermemo via Excel to Evernote

UPDATE: 11-30-2012. The method below won't include images or formatting. Booh!! So, I instead wrote a PHP program to do both of those things. You may download and use it for free (attribution would be nice though :-)). Here are the details on the Paper Upgrade Project's blog page.

maternelle fusionnelle

I just started this thread at Word Reference: How do you translate "maternelle fusionnelle" into English? It is a child rearing term, as shown here: Papa débutant: "C'est d'autant plus essentiel que l'homme a une place clé dans la relation triangulaire qui s'instaure: il fait entrer l'extérieur à la maison, il sort la femme de cette relation maternelle fusionnelle et donne un espace de liberté à l'enfant."

Ya te digo in English

I just posted a comment on Wordreference ( about how to translate Ya te digo in English: From a Spanish/English bilingual Mexican friend: You know what I mean. / And so on. / And all that. / That sort of thing. / And on and on. / That's all there is to it. Example: Tuve que sacar la basura, limpiar la cocina, lavar la ropa. Bueno, ya te digo.

How do you say e-mail attachment in French?

I contributed to a Wordreference thread ( to answer the question, How do you say in French: I have attached a document / sent you an attachment. Here are my recap, formatting, and newly found phrases: trouver X en pièce jointe / ci-joint -- Vous trouverez des photos en pièce jointe (1 file) / pièces jointes (multiple files) joindre X (au mail / dans ce mail) -- J'ai joint des photos au mail. / Tu as oublié de joindre le document. envoyer X dans ce mail -- Je vais t'envoyer des photos dans ce mail.

Mameluco, Pañalero, Babero, Sleepware, Onesie, Bib

I started a thread on Wordreference ( for the following baby clothing terms in Mexican Spanish: mameluco - sleepware (for newborns, Babies R Us), overalls (~>3 months) pañalero - onesie, bodysuit babero - bib

Oxford Seminars Business Module Review - Teaching Business English Specialization Module Review


A Google search for Oxford Seminars Business English Reviews shows, as of 8-13-2012, precious little useful content. So, having finished the Oxford Seminars ESL, TESL, TESOL certification, I decided to take the Business English module and record my impressions. I scanned the physical book (for personal educational use only) into a searchable PDF file on a high-speed book scanner to support my findings below.


Possessive Plural: showing quantities per possessor

I just posted this question at Wordreference: Regarding the possessive plural: 1 cat: A cat's toy. 2+ cats: The cats' toys. Grammatically, how do you distinguish between each cat possessing one toy vs each cat possessing multiple toys? Or is that not possible in this formulation? My attempt: 2+ cats: The cats' toys. (one toy per cat?) 2+ cats: The cats' toys. (multiple toys per cat?)

Le in ándale, córrele, dale -- particle, leísmo?

I just spent 15 minutes reading every forum post for ándale but still haven't found a satisfactory grammatical explanation of Le in these primarily Mexican expressions: ándale, córrele, dale.

Some posts refer to the le as leísmo:
"Le" hace referencia a un objeto indirecto y "lo" y "la" a un objeto directo.
but in another thread, one poster called it a particle:


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